Sensory Integration
With " joyful integration " as a slogan, we emphasize that the children be stimulated with pleasure during training, so that improvement can be made in tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular disorder. We also stress on the teacher-child interaction, so as to effectively improve the children"s motor planning skills and physical coordination.
Applied Behavior Analyses
Also known as behavior modification principles. Qing Cong Quan promotes generalization and teaching with integration scenarios, which requires teachers to progressively teach the same subject using different ways and angles and then instill into real life.
We set up short-term and long-term goals in the areas of concentration, imitation, language comprehension, language expression, cognition and precision, etc.,so that children can improve all kinds of ablities in relevant areas.
TEACCH- Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-Handicapped Children
TEACCH- is currently a relative systematic, comprehensive, mature and effective treatment for children with autism in the world. With the use of visual cues in the design, the arranging of the teaching environment, materials and procedures is organized and systematic, so that children can learn from it. At Qing Cong Quan, TEACCH is used in both sensory integration class and all-day classes and is also applied in sections such as "going to the bathroom" and "washing hands".
(The Picture Exchange Communication System, PECS)
PECS, making use of progressive training phases, classified pictures and sentence strips, is developed to help children with autism and children with other communicative and social barriers to observe and experience the communication process, so that they can establish a functional and significant communication system. Such system is aimed at teaching children with communicative barriers an effective way of communication, so they can obtain an object through the exchange of their pictures with communication partners, and acheive the goal of communication and interaction.
RDI (Relationship Development Intervention)
RDI is used to develop interpersonal skills. RDI is a progressive training method which firstly focuses on building the child’s motivation, and then systematically develops his ability on this basis, so that the child can face the challenges of real life.
Mouth Muscle Training
With the formal systematic training courses and tools on oral muscles imported from professional organizations in Hong Kong, professional physical therapy and massage are applied to children"s mouth muscles, in order that improvement can be made to the tension in the mouth muscles and the dysarthria caused by abnormal muscles, so that children can improve in their speech.
Music and Games Therapy
The game courses designed by Qing Cong Quan with references to RDI teaching philosophy are particularly focused on improving children"s "social skills". These courses include music games, family games, puzzle games, fun games and talent shows, etc. The objective of the curriculums is to help them to improve interaction ability, to understand the rules of games, to develop their interests and establish their sense of honor, etc.